Monday, January 17, 2011

The First Great Deflate Weigh In!


Well the time has come. It has been one week since I filmed the segment for Show Me St. Louis on KSDK

I think it is time to give you all faithful followers an update. I stepped on the scale and it read...


That means in the past week I've lost 4.9 lbs.

It feels pretty good and if I keep that rate up I'll reach the first Great Deflate goal after just one month. It certainly is no time to get cocky though as I have a "weighs" to go.

Remember if you book before Valentine's Day and I fail to weigh in below 300 on June 1st then you get a full refund and your show is absolutely FREE!

And if you book before Valentine's you get 25% all premium twister bookings no matter what!

So tell you friends and call and book now!

Twistedly yours,

Jason Vaughn
(972) 505-2251

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