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"How To Make your Children's Church Event Unforgettable With a Fun, Unique, Gospel-Centered Performance"
Eight years ago while on a mission trip with my Christian college I was introduced to the art of balloon twisting combined with Bible storytelling. Immediately I was entranced by this entertainment medium and before I knew it I was a professional balloon artist. Since that time I've had the privilege of performing hundreds of shows to both Christian and secular audiences using balloon costumes and props.
I've delivered many messages over the years in my show, but none are as important as the gospel of Jesus Christ, which I gladly present in “The Prince That No One Wanted.” This show is perfect for family events, VBS, Upwards, and a host of other venues. Thank you for taking the time to see why it is perfect for your event.
- No Mindless Entertainment Here!
Everyone loves entertainment! Whether it is in the form of movies, television, books, concerts, ect. we are addicted to fun. While that is fine one things Christians should avoid is an excess of mindless entertainment.
For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. Those who are in the flesh cannot please God. (Rom 8:7-8)
God's Word tells us to avoid setting our mind on the things of the flesh and much of our entertainment is very worldly, but with my gospel allegory your audience's mind will be engages just as much as their funny-bone.
- Loads of laughs and joy
Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen. (Jud 1:24-25)
In the presence of our king there is immense joy! Joy is so precious to the Christian. It is not based in our circumstances, but in our King! That is why I love performing “The Prince that No One Wanted” gospel allegory. It allows me to combine both laughter due to humor with the joy that comes from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- Sound Historical Christian Theology
But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. (Tit 2:1)
There are many places calling themselves churches today that do anything but teach the Word of God. When your audience sees and understands “The Prince that No One Wanted” they will be taught only that which stands in line with historical Christian doctrine. I'm a licensed Southern Baptist minister and trained in ministry at a Southern Baptist university. While I've had the opportunity to work in numerous denominations the primary message and doctrine remains that salvation of sins only comes by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ the second person of the Godhead, who was born of a virgin, is fully God and man, lived a perfect life, died on a cross taking the sins of His people and rose again three days later to reign as King eternal. For more on my teaching and theology please do not hesitate to ask.
- Creativity To Spark The Imagination
As the Temple of God was being built in the Old Testament the readers are told that God had gifted certain artists to work for His glory on the Temple. I believe that God still grants people gifts and talents to people for the same purpose of glorifying Him today.
As your audience sees elaborate balloon creations made into props and costumes and used in the sharing of the gospel many will be inspired to develop their own talents to the glory of God and the expansion of His kingdom.
- No “Cartoon Jesus” Allowed
Many dear saints with good intentions have used a variety of modern media to create cartoon or “Child friendly” versions of Jesus. While this may do some good I fear that it can often do more harm and make many wonder if Jesus is any more real than certain overweight men in red suits.
For this reason, instead of telling about the life of Christ with balloons and possibly adding to the challenge, I decided to go the way of John Bunyan and his classic “Pilgrim's Progress” and share the gospel in an allegory. This allows your audience to hear the the glory of the gospel message without fear of confusing Christ with fiction. After the allegory there is an explanation and gospel call to repentance and faith. A time of question and answer is available if desired as well.
- Book “The Prince That No One Wanted” Balloon Show Today!
If this is something that your group needs to hear then please pick up the phone and call now! (314) 346-2241
In Christ, our Hope,
Jason Vaughn, owner www.HigherHopeBalloons.com
(314) 346-2241
(314) 346-2241
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