Saturday, August 15, 2009

Twins Party Referal


I believe this is my favorite birthday party ever! It was for twin five year old girls at a small church. They had black gospel playing and they had a fashion and talent show. It was a blast.

And something else I loved about it. I was the only white person there. That may seem odd, but it is one of the reasons I fell in love with balloon entertainment.

My grandfather was a KKK member and I grew up in a town with the world's only Ku Klux Klan Museum, but by God's grace my mother taught me that skin color had no barring on a man's soul or character. I had the privilege of being on a Step Team and often being the only white guy at an all black or all hispanic gathering. I thank God for times like that and reminders like today.

Balloons have the great feature of crossing all barriers, even language barriers. It is a privelege and an honor to work in great diversity.

Jason Vaughn,
Balloon Artist, Dallas / Fort Worth
(972) 505-2241

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