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Recognition for all the balloon artist community's hard work is starting to pay off! Part of that recognition is coming in the form of a brand new television show called "The Unpoppables" featuring three amazing balloon twisters.
The leader of this group seems to be Addi Somekh who is best known for traveling the world creating balloon hats and documenting his work. Next up is Brian Asman a great guy all around and creator of some of my favorite techniques. Then rounding off the team is the lovely Katie Laibstain a bundle of energy who I think hugs everyone she meets.
I've had the privilege or meeting Katie and spent a week in Jersey with Brian, but I've yet to meet Addi though I've respected his work for years.
The make-up of the show seems to be similar to another favorite show of mine on TLC, Cake Boss. It looks like the team will be followed around as they're hired for one or two events to create large and exquisite balloon art.
I'm really hopeful the show does well and that it gets people thinking of what can really be done with balloons. I can't say I can do everything the same way as these three, but with practice I can definitely service my customer's needs.
So go check out "The Unpoppables" here. And be sure to watch the premiere on TLC on Monday February 7 at 8 PM EST.
And if you're looking for balloon art whether small or large give me a call now to discuss your ideas and events.
Jason Vaughn
(972) 505-2241
Hi Jason,
Thanks for posting this on your Blog! We are having a "World Premiere Viewing Party" in Cleveland on Feb.7 at the Peppermill Grill in Brecksville to welcome in the program! We'll put it on Facebook this week!
Your pictures look awesome, and I like the people/animals better than anything they make on “Unpoppables.” If I lived in St. Louis and I were rich I would hire you. I really enjoyed the episode I saw on TLC and then I found some clips when I was looking around at the hundreds of shows on dishonline.com http://bit.ly/dJzWgo. I logged into my DISH employee account to record the show and that’s when I found out there were no re-runs or new episodes. I’ll keep checking back.
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